What to look for when selecting luxury home builders
How many years have you spent living in almost perfect homes? If you think about it, buying someone else’s dream home is always going to fall short of your personal, unique standards.
So, if you’re ready to create the perfect home for your lifestyle, then there are a couple of things to consider when scouring the net for Queensland luxury home builders.
Always remember to keep the big picture in mind. You may come upon a draw-dropping portfolio (and that’s wonderful), but don’t stop there.
Consider the length of the journey you’re about to embark upon. For months and months, this builder is going to be at the forefront of your mind.
You want someone with the right credentials, the right work history, the right attitude, and the right work ethic. Together, let’s pull out our clipboards, sharpen a few pencils, and get ready to create at your drawing board.
After you’ve conducted a few interviews, then you can invite the quintessential contractor to your personal dream space.
1. The Right Credentials
We hate to start off on a sour note, but it must be said. In today’s world, it’s not always wise to take someone at their word. Before you make one of the largest investments of your life, be sure the builder you’re about to work with is licensed and insured.
You can do this by inquiring with the Queensland state authorities to make sure you’re about to step into an agreement with a fully licensed tradesman. If you start to feel anything is amiss here, follow your instinct and head for the hills.
Then, you’ll want to check on their indemnity insurance. Home indemnity insurance, also known as a Certificate of Currency, protects you against the “worse case scenario.”
In the event your builder goes MIA or the business folds, you’ll be secure. The best home builders will not make this difficult for you to secure.
2. The Right Attitude
This might sound strangely personal. But, the “keeper of the keys” to your home should be someone you gel with and respect. Make sure they offer you the freedom (and comfort) to customise your luxury home.
Luxury homes in Queensland are unique and they’re built to last a lifetime. So, there’s no room for a less-than-stellar outcome. You should feel comfortable speaking your mind and instantly get the sense that your builder is more than happy to adapt to your dreams and desires.
Within this category comes strong communication and a sense of partnership. For several months, you’ll be working closely with your builder to create your dream home. Make sure you feel well-tended to and take note of how quickly your builder springs to action when those inevitable bumps in the road arise.
3. Stellar Past Projects
Once you start browsing the Internet and scanning portfolios, your dream list is going to expand to new heights. Portfolios are inspirational, but they’re not enough; they’re not nearly enough.
With the right set of credentials and the right attitude, it’s time to dig into your builder’s past. The first thing you can do is ask the builder for a set of references you can personally call.
Don’t be shy to ask these references if they felt comfortable with the company throughout the build. Were all their needs and requirements met? See if things were completed on time.
While you’re conducting your research, make sure there are no hidden building disputes. You can check this through the Queensland Building and Construction Commission. The best home builders near Queensland will not have any marks on their work history.
4. Reasonable Current Projects
You hear this a lot when searching for solicitors. Friends and colleagues tell you to make sure they’re not over-committed to other clients. The same goes for those who are going to build the single most important item you’ll ever own.
Set shyness to the side and ask your builder how many projects he or she is currently committed to. If a contracting company is over-promising things while over-committing to too many clients, you risk falling to the bottom of the barrel.
5. A Willingness to Proceed
By this, we mean the builder should have the willingness to proceed forward with you for at least six months after the build is complete. Even if you’ve had a hand in every element of the design process, it’s still a completely different reality when you actually live in your new home.
So, you’ll want your builder to be willing to honour a maintenance period of at least six months. Iron out the details as you wish, but make sure you get this in writing. Having this assurance in hand, in combination with your home indemnity insurance, is the only way to start and finish a project.
Queensland Luxury Home Builders for You
That’s the key right there. You need to source the best Queensland luxury home builders for you. Whether your style is classic, contemporary, or a little outside the box, you want to work with a company that has your lifestyle in mind.
Here at Avondale Homes, that’s precisely what we do. We build beautiful, versatile, and affordable acreage homes with you as the cornerstone.
If you’re looking to build your forever home on acreage you’ve already acquired, come check out our gallery for a little inspiration.
When you’re ready to transplant your dream home from your imagination to your stretch of land, we invite you to contact us. We look forward to adding you to our Avondale family.