Why Australians prefer acreage living
Alright, so there is no single ‘ultimate’ lifestyle that is the ideal (in terms of location) when it comes to buying or building a home. It’s all subjective, some of us are natural urbanites while others prefer coastal living, then there are those of us who crave the peace, space and privacy of acreage living.
If you fall into the category of the latter, perhaps building an acreage home is something to consider. The ever-increasing cost of inner-city properties in Australia is seeing a shift in the home buyer and home builder search, luring more buyers to acreage living. For those willing to travel just a few extra kilometres, it is fast becoming a popular choice than having to contend with the constraints of urban properties.
Whatever your motivations are, there are multiple advantages to building an acreage home – here are a few that we’ve compiled to assist with your The acreage home lifestyle. For many Australians, city life goes hand in hand with more stress, more noise and let’s face it – not much space to actually ‘live’. Acreage homes offers a quality of life that is second to none and benefits include (but are not limited to);
Beautiful rural landscapes – Imagine waking up in your dream home and looking out of your window and seeing lush landscapes, bushland and breathtaking views (instead of a neighbouring house in every direction).
Owning an acreage home can give you the beautiful country escape you’re looking for and specialist home builders like Avondale Homes can build your dream acreage home design that takes full advantage of the beautiful location, allowing you to enjoy all that it has to offer. But when you live on an acreage property, nature is right on your doorstep—no driving required. Just stunning views and the sounds of birds (not sirens) to start your days.
Health and Wellbeing – As much as we try to take necessary actions to maintain a healthy balance between work and recreation, city living comes pre-packaged with increased stress levels. How so ask? Living in a city means you’re surrounded by constant stimulation, be it form sounds, lights, activity or thoughts – this gives your brain a constant work out and affects how we deal with stress. This continual over stimulation often pushes the body into a stressed state (triggering fight or flight response) which has a negative flow on effect on your physical and mental wellbeing. On an acreage property, thigs move a bit slower, giving you a ‘break’ from the constant hustle and bustle of urban areas and your mind and body get a chance to refresh and find balance sooner than would be possible in the city suburbs. Acreage (or country) living is known to reduces the over simulation of the brain which helps to reduce the risk of anxiety and mood disorders. This is not to say that you will completely prevent all stressors, however, being away from a city environment is known to reduce the risk and severity of stress.
In addition, the further you move away from the city, the more your quality of air improves. Being in an acreage home, you are likely to have less polluted air, more trees and grass and access to other natural organisms that contribute to cleaner air. Better, cleaner air means better breathing and also reduced risk of certain related chronic conditions too. Hence more Australians opting to trade in the pollution and noise for the calm and tranquillity of an acreage home. Acreage living means increased privacy. When you build a new home on an acreage, you’ll no longer have to look out of your kitchen window directly into your neighbour’s living room or backyard (or have them looking back at you) as is the case for living in the city suburbs. I mean who really wants to wake up in the morning and look directly into someone else’s home, right?
An acreage’s ample greenspace leaves plenty of room for trees and bushland to create a natural divider from your neighbours. In many instances the proximity to hills, rivers and municipal reserves mean you may not even have a next-door neighbour. Quite possibly THE best perk about living on an acreage property is the abundance of space. With little to no constrains, you can build your dream estate home and have ample space for storage for your recreational toys and hobbies and other practical facilities as needed.
Living in an acreage home offers the opportunity to bring the family together more often and also provides sufficient so that each member of the family to also has a space of their own within the home. You’ll have room to enjoy movie night on a projector screen in the backyard if you so wish, or enjoy cosy nights by the fire pit, or lay out and look at the stars, or create an impressive outdoor entertainment and BBQ area, and build the ultimate playhouse that your kids will love!
And not forgetting about your fur babies, your animals will love the extra space and freedom too. Design your dream home on an acreage. Having more space to build means you have more options when it comes to the actual design of your home, you aren’t limited by the same constraints as you would be with building in the city.
With an acreage home you can literally have everything on your ‘wish list’ for your home. Everything from;
- the number of bathrooms the home should have, to how the kitchen is oriented (having more than one kitchen if that’s what you like) ,
- an impressive outdoor entertainment area (with fire pit, pool, tennis court etc),
- to having separate wings to the home for the parents and children (if you have slightly older children)
- A fully equipped home gym
- And even the number of garages you’d like and larger garages for those who need extra storage.
With an acreage home your options are endless, and you can truly be as creative and free as you like when it comes to the house design. Master builders like Avondale Homes have a selection of house plans that have been designed with purpose for acreage lots. Land is something that cannot be reproduced and is becoming more and more scare, and therefore is a valuable resource. When considering to build and acreage home, not only do you get to enjoy the extra land (and all its perks), you also have peace of mind knowing that you own a valuable resource and asset.
So if you have a longing for country living or simply want to take the next step in your property portfolio with an acreage home, it’s important that you work with a specialist build team that understands acreage home design. Every Avondale Homes acreage house design incorporates smart design principles to suit modern day living – our designs are completely unique and individually tailored to each client.
Contact our team today for a home building experience that is second to none.